Extractive urokinase is an enzyme which has been on the market for the last thirty years in Europe and Asia in many different human medicines, for clot lysis in various indications (such as peripheral arterial occlusion, deep venous thrombosis, stroke, catheter clearance, myocardial infarction). Its biological function lies in the activation of plasminogen to plasmin, allowing for the restoration of patency of blood vessels obstructed by thrombus formation or fibrin sleeves.

Cerbios’ recombinant urokinase (rUK) is obtained by “state-of-the-art” rDNA technology from a CHO cell line through a proprietary process and is therefore glycosylated.

It can be suitable as a replacement for extractive Urokinase as well as for the development of novel applications with Urokinase.

The product is available and ready for licensing and registration in different markets.


Clot lysis, restoration of blood vessel patency, catheter clearance.


Formula :

Low molecular weight Urokinase (LMWUK)


The manufacturing technology makes use of chemically defined, serum-free, protein-free media; no growth factors or antibiotics are added. All the components of media and solutions are certified as being of non-animal origin. The technology has already been presented to the FDA in a pre-IND meeting.


Recombinant protein


The manufacturing system is based on a proprietary process. Patents:

EP :
RU :
RU :
AU :
ZA :

1 245 681
2 227 745
2 259 212
772 144